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CH2M / Oferta z dnia: 28/07/2017

O firmie

CH2M HILL is a global engineering company that provides consulting, design, construction, and operations services for corporations, and federal, state, and local governments.

Oferowana praca

Stanowisko: Senior Structural Engineer/Starszy Projektant konstrukcji
Miejsce pracy: KrakóW / małopolskie / Polska
Branża: Projektowanie / Inżynieria

Opis stanowiska

•Delivering structural design on time and within budgeted hours
•Knowledge of current design standards of the company and clients
•Develop design criteria such as gravity loads, wind and seismic.
•Designing structures of industrial sector
•Perform calculations related to the complete building or structural system
•Preparing calculations for structural members of steel, concrete and masonry
•Assign tasks and coordinate with designers and engineers
•Cooperation with engineers of other disciplines


•Education: MSc in structural engineering
•Professional license in structural engineering
•Very good knowledge of codes and standards of structural engineering
•Experience in industrial projects
•Good skills in engineering software (RAM, Staad, Robot)
•English language skills minimum at intermediate level (B2 in EU)


•Opportunity to work on exciting international projects and program
•Commitment to your personal and professional development
•Great atmosphere in a growing team

Forma kontaktu

Please submit your CV to: joanna.sosnowska@ch2m.pl

Dane firmowe

Marii Konopnickiej 31
30-302 Krakow
Email: joanna.sosnowska@ch2m.pl
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